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Blog - Studies

Outpatient Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Population-Based Study Comparing Adverse Event and Readmission Rates to Inpatient Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

BACKGROUND: The rate of total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) is rising, which has an impact on health care expenditure. One avenue to mitigate cost is outpatient TSA. There are currently no published reports of this practice. In this study, we...read more


Outcomes After Patch Use in Rotator Cuff Repair

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Epidemiologic Comparison of Pitching Mechanics, Pitch Type, and Pitch Counts Among Healthy Pitchers at Various Levels of Youth Competition

The incidence of serious shoulder and elbow injuries in pitchers is 5% and increasing at an alarming rate (serious injury was defined as that requiring surgery or retirement from baseball). Inadequate rest, poor pitching mechanics, and breaking pitches have...read more


Revision Arthroscopic Repair Versus Latarjet Procedure in Patients With Recurrent Instability After Initial Repair Attempt: A Cost-Effectiveness Model

PURPOSE: To compare the cost-effectiveness of arthroscopic revision instability repair and Latarjet procedure in treating patients with recurrent instability after initial arthroscopic instability repair. METHODS: An expected-value decision analysis of revision arthroscopic instability repair compared with Latarjet procedure for...read more


Surgical Management of Proximal Humeral Fractures: The Emerging Role of Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty

Acute proximal humeral fractures are common injuries in elderly patients. These fractures can lead to significant pain and functional loss. Nonoperative treatment offers high rates of satisfactory function and pain relief in the majority of fractures, particularly in elderly...read more


Treatment of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries and Superior Labral Tears by Major League Baseball Team Physicians

PURPOSE: To determine practice patterns of Major League Baseball (MLB) team orthopaedic surgeons in addressing the controversial topics of ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) tears, type II SLAP tears, and partial-thickness rotator cuff tear. METHODS: Seventy-four MLB team orthopaedic surgeons...read more

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