(312) 432-2390

Patient Resources

Dr. Nikhil Verma and his orthopedic team in Chicago, Illinois are happy to assist our patients with the necessary upfront information they need, in addition to offering a wide range of resources so the patient process can be streamlined.

As you prepare for your first sports medicine consultation with Dr. Verma, an email will be sent prior to the appoitment with a link in order to allow you to complete your registration forms, patient history form and some basic questions regarding your condition. We request that you complete these forms prior to your visit if at all possibile. Altneratively, an Ipad can be provided to allow you to complete the forms at the time of your visit, but in this case please arrive at least 30 minutes in advance of your appointment time.

If an orthopedic surgery is recommended by Dr. Verma, all patients will need to review the appropriate surgery information form related to the procedure. Dr. Verma also offers numerous rehab manuals on this site.

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