Rehabilitation Guidelines for Quadriceps or Patellar Tendon Repair
0-6 Weeks:
- WBAT, Brace locked in extension all times except with therapy.
- ROM:
- 0-30º Weeks 0-2
- 0-60º Weeks 2-4
- 0-90º Weeks 4-6
- Patella mobilization
- SLR supine with brace locked at 0 degrees, Quad Sets
- Ankle Pumps
6-12 Weeks:
- Unlock brace for ambulating. Wean from brace as tolerated.
- May D/C crutches when gait normalized.
- Normalize ROM. No limits.
- Begin short crank ergometry and progress to
- Standard (170mm) ergometry (if knee ROM > 115 degrees)
- Advance quad strengthening
- Mini Squats / Weight Shift
3-6 Months:
- Normal gait, WBAT with no assist
- Full, Normal ROM
- Leg Press, Squats
- Initiate running/jogging
- Isotonic Knee Extensions (90-40 degrees, closed chain preferred)
- Agility exercises (sport cord)
- Versaclimber/Nordic Track
- Normalize quad strength